A fun class that is suitable for all ages – even for adult dogs that are missing motivation, self-control and/or thinking skills. It guides you through the basic steps of dog training to build a strong relationship and perfect basics for future work together with your best friend. The class takes special attention to find the balance between motivation and self-control, building perfect basics, and finding the best ways for you and your dog – focusing on individual differences and needs!
STARTS on 12th October 2020!
Toys, soft treats, clicker, flat box, cone, fitness disc (optional), crate (suitable to the size of your dog), a dog and some free time to edit videos !
Your training videos are asked back as a non-listed video uploaded to YouTube or any other video sites. The videos should be cut into maximum of 5 minutes in length.
12 weeks (new exercises every week), plus an extra ‘question me’ week (total 13 weeks)
- weekly exercises (text and video instructions)
- online classroom with the opportunity to share your videos and get individualized feedback
1) the key to successful training – motivation !PERSONALISED!
Finding the most suitable rewards for your dog and figuring out how to have fun and play together
2) clicker training basics
Introducing clicker training for shaping behaviors to give strong basics for Your positive dog training
3) let´s get to know each other
Starting with some easy tricks to teach (both for you and for your dog) to get to know your dog better and how he/she learns/thinks, and continue with some more advanced ones
4) crate games and self control
Fun games for a more obedient puppy in an absolutely positive way
5) fitness basics
Some important exercises for mental and physical stimulation for better coordination, strong and healthy body and an injury free life.
6) extra week for questions
A week long opportunity to ask about anything that bothers you in training or everyday life!