8 Jun 2015

1st Portuguese final qualy for AWC

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The first final qualy (from the three weekends) for AWC is behind us! It was a bit bitter sweet… I couldn’t run Kaj because of an injury, so competed only with Eta. Super fast and fun courses plus the always smiling judge Sascha Grunder made both days amazing! Thank you for the super courses and the nice talks!  🙂

Eta was a giving her crazy herself, I was the weak part of the team with some stupid mistakes but even so on Saturday we finished on third place and we won on Sunday! 🙂

Thank you Luis Narciso and Sofia Nolasco Narciso for making it possible to have an AWC judge here and competing in really nice conditions! :):):)

Although (because of the system) Hugo had to run in a2 (they didn’t qualify for the final qualies, so they had to run in a2 class… Strange portuguese rules…) they really rocked: three clean runs with super times and first places out of 4 runs and a dis. Congratulations my love, I hope you will keep that spirit for the future! 😉

Our runs from Saturday 🙂